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Trash & Recycling

You must separate trash and recycling in separate, clearly marked polycarts. You may set out extra containers for recycling if they are clearly marked and the recycling is prepared correctly.


As of Feb. 4, 2019, trash and recyclables are picked up on Wednesday mornings. Trash should be at curbside by 7:00 a.m. Trash services are provided by Republic Services and fees are paid via HOA dues.  Visit the Republic Recycle guide or Republic holiday schedule page for questions. 

Your containers can be set out no more than 24 hours in advanced and must be returned to the building set-back line within 12 hours of collection per HOA bylaws and City of Shawnee ordinance. Overages for trash that are placed in a bag must be placed no more than 12 hours before collection to prevent waste from being scattered.


The contract with Republic allows for yard waste collection at no additional charge to our residents.  Pick up is by separate truck on the same day as our trash/recycling pickup (Wednesday).  Yard waste is picked up April - September with a limit of 6 bags/bundles per home each week, and 10 bags/bundles per home each week October-December.  No yard waste pickup January-March.

To re​quest a polycart, please contact us.

More information from the City of Shawnee. 

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